We are looking for helpers, you can help.
Blue Ridge Little League is an all-volunteer organization. There are no paid employees, so the league must rely on the help of many dedicated volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors, work in the concessions stand, prepare the fields, coach, umpire, or be a team parent.
Why Volunteer?
Becoming a volunteer is a great way to give back to the community. As a community, we are responsible for the overall development of our children. What better way than through youth sports?
Here are some of the volunteer opportunities currently available.
Concessions - many volunteers are needed to help run the concessions stand during the regular season and the post -season tournaments.
Field Maintenance - volunteers needed to assist with lining and dragging the fields on game days. Please contact a board member.
Umpires - one of the biggest costs to the league is umpires. If you have any experience umpiring or knowledge of the game and would like to help umpire a coaches pitch or tball game, please contact [email protected]